People have known for some time that regulations are going to govern A.I. worldwide.
You can find examples of this in Italy’s early ban of ChatGPT to the United States Congress getting the wheels going in regulating artificial intelligence. So, things are definitely in motion to start creating laws for this booming and fast-growing industry.
Recently, we have seen more and more evidence that A.I. regulations are beginning to gain traction on the state level.
If your business is based in Kentucky, then it would interest you to know that Kentucky legislators recently heard testimony from A.I. experts about this emerging technology.
We will go into these hearings and what likely impact Kentucky legislators are likely to have on using A.I. in Kentucky.
Inside the Hearing
Lawmakers received a comprehensive overview of artificial intelligence, its benefits, and potential risks.
Gartner, which is a consulting firm with many international clients, took charge here in breaking down A.I. for KY legislators. A particular focus on the briefings included how governments can benefit from implementing A.I..
Some of the A.I. concerns voiced by the state representatives involved the commonplace “evil A.I.” conceptions. Gartner communicated the truth that A.I. does not have any desires, so it is impossible that it would develop the desire to rule or destroy humanity. So, nefarious actions such as shutting down the U.S. power grid are not going to spring from some sinister desire within the nonexistent heart of an A.I. system.
In the government, incentives for implementing A.I. can be using it to take care of busywork and improving defense methods and technologies. E.g., A.I. can improve cybersecurity code.
Another prominent example of this is Amelia, which is the U.S. Navy’s help desk A.I.that can quickly answer people’s inquiries.
What Were the Biggest Concerns of the Kentucky Lawmakers?
Most Kentucky lawmakers focused on determining how they could use A.I. to enhance Kentucky’s educational record, considering the high illiteracy rates.
There are, of course, multiple things to consider for this issue.
Personalized A.I. tutors can help children get reading lessons that are more attuned to their own needs.
On the other hand, services like ChatGPT can disincentivize kids from boosting reading and writing skills, as they will see a readily accessible assistant who lets them passively glide through. Same goes for A.I. that can quickly do text-to-speech so that instead of reading, kids can simply hear their reading assignments, like audiobooks.
The next big concern was biases in A.I., as the issue of discrimination in automated platforms can have a big impact on society. This especially applies to “social scoring” platforms that might reject historically disadvantaged minority groups.
Job reductions because of A.I. implementations are another concern. Naturally, Kentucky lawmakers want to grow the economy, not only to keep happy the citizens they have pledged to serve, but to get bigger tax dollar yields to keep the good ship Government in tip-top shape.
What Will Kentucky A.I. Laws Be About?
Considering the above-named concerns, you can be assured that Kentucky legislation of A.I. will likely be related to preserving human laborers against automation, keeping potential “do my homework” A.I. out of schools, and being highly restrictive about the use of social scoring platforms, which the European Union outright banned.
How Should Kentucky Business Prepare for KY A.I. Laws?
For a business owner, much of the A.I. that is relevant to improving your operations will be safe from these anticipated A.I. regulations.
Think of it this way: If your A.I. platform will be an assistant to human workers, rather than their replacement, then it should be safe from regulation by Kentucky state representatives.
As mentioned earlier, social screening platforms that automatically approve or reject applicants for things like insurance companies will probably face severe limitations once regulations pass.
If you are in education, then prepare for the encouragement of tutoring platforms, and the discouragement of “homework assistants”. Most teachers are probably supportive of this regulatory route.
Kentucky Lawmakers Are Incentivized to Encourage A.I. Growth
Overall, you can encourage A.I. legislation in Kentucky to ultimately bolster the A.I. industry. Part of the reason is that there are already plenty of A.I. companies that have chosen Kentucky as their home base for operations.
An example of this is beingAI, internationally known for creating A.I. characters that can interact with humans. BeingAI will have its headquarters in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Is your business—Kentucky-based or not—interested in getting A.I. solutions? Reach out to Guardian Owl Digital so that you can GO AI today.
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