The Five Key Takeaways from This Blog
- OpenAI, creator of DALL-E and ChatGPT, has revealed that its video-generating platform is called Sora.
- As of this writing, this platform will only be available to a select number of users for a trial phase before it becomes more widely available.
- Sora is not the first generative A.I. video-creator, but it looks to be among the most sophisticated.
- OpenAI will not reveal the training data used to create Sora.
- Businesses and advertisers alike will benefit from the ability to easily and quickly generate eye-popping videos.
The Next, Latest Step in Generative A.I.
Only a year and a quarter after the public release of ChatGPT, OpenAI has revealed its latest shiny toy: Sora, the video-generating A.I. platform.
This A.I. platform is, from what this writer has seen, the most sophisticated publicly available video-generating A.I. platform available.
Truthfully, this should come as no big surprise considering how many billions of dollars that Microsoft has poured into OpenAI. They should most certainly have one of the best generative A.I. platforms out there, right?
Right, and it is here in the form of Sora. “Sora” means “sky” in Japanese. It is also worth noting that it is an anagram of “soar”. The message here seems to be that the sky is the limit, that A.I. is already, for the umpteenth time in the past couple years, hit yet new heights.
What Sora can do is pretty darn impressive. The videos look as real as any video on the Internet. They can range from mimics of real life to Pixar-like animation (who knows, maybe Pixar films are part of Sora’s training data?).
Of course, OpenAI is not just making this so that meme-lords can create digital confections at an even more alarmingly brisk pace. No, the real target here is the businesses that will pay a good chunk of change for these generative A.I. services that they can employ to create The Future of Marketing Content.
What Sora Will Do for Business Owners
In keeping with the promise of generative A.I., this platform aims to create videos pretty much instantly, or at least near-instantly, based on a prompt.
People will be able to fulfill their video-oriented magic genie fantasies to fulfill their deepest desires.
People, yes, but organizations as well. Specifically, businesses of all sizes and industries will be able to leverage this technology to create eye-catching material that pops out on consumers’ social media feeds.
Imagine businesses creating marketing material that is every bit as eye-catching as the infotainment and pure entertainment that floods everyone’s social media feeds?
Animated furry friends hawking branded wares, impossibly scenic countryside drives in a used vehicle that a car dealership is looking to get off the lot, colorful overstimulating sales announcements looking to drawn in weekend shoppers–the possibilities are endless.
However, the question remains for business owners–is Sora really the only option to get quality A.I.-generated videos?
How Quickly Will Silicon Valley Produce Video A.I. That Rivals Sora?
All signs point to many other A.I. platforms on the level of Sora entering the public view sooner than later.
This is because the tech industry is developing A.I. at a record rate. At the very least, you can expect Google to have Gemini producing considerably high-quality A.I. videos pretty soon.
And to keep releasing the latest, greatest thing in A.I. is the strategy that keeps these businesses ahead of the game. Google puts forth Gemini and OpenAI raises the stakes with Sora. It’s just how this game works.
How is this the case? Really, isn’t it worth pondering just how fast Silicon Valley can move when they put the pedal to the metal?
Well, here’s why: You have the best tech talent in the world over there creating systems of such complexity you need to hole up in a room with a lot of coffee and information to get anything even approaching a comprehensive understanding of how it all works.
The Promise of Silicon Valley
What’s more, droves of the technological elite consistently arrive from highly regarded institutions of learning and innovation to Silicon Valley, waving resumés in the air, hoping to get a piece of this most lucrative A.I. pie. There is no short supply of human talent.
But how much will they need once the A.I. they are so eager to contribute to creates supplants them in ability and scale in accomplishing the tasks they seek the compensation Computer Science majors have come to associate with their chosen vocation? CSci majors beware, there is a threshold where a CFO, red pen in hand going over the company expenses report, will cease to see the asserted correlation between human technical expertise and high salaries, once A.I. outperforms hordes of Ivy-educated masters of the universe for a cheaper price.
But for now, the human talent is pouring so much blood sweat and tears into creating the Next Big Thing for generative A.I. content (what’s next? generative A.I. video games? Here’s a rule of thumb for you: if a writer at a marketing company has thought of it, then Silicon Valley is likely already working on it).